- December 20, 2019
Your Numerology Horoscope 2020 Is Here And It’s Unusually Good.
See what the numbers have in store for you in 2020!

According to Chinese Numerology , Our Life revolves in a 9 year epicycle. Each year contains a different energy, if you work against the energy of the year, you’ll find the pace of the year to be difficult. If you work with the energy of the year, you’ll have a smooth year.
The universe loves cycles. There are the cycles of the day and the night, seasons, reincarnation. A human life is no different. By learning about this epicycle, you will be surprised how much of a pattern your life has, and how many major events often align with the energy of a specific year. The ones that do not always show up in your personal astrological chart.
The great thing about the nine year cycle is that it takes under a minute to calculate, and by knowing just the current year of any person, you can instantly have information about where they are in life.
To find out your current year all you have to do is add single digits of your birth month and day together with the single digits of the current year. For example, my birthday is June,24 and the current year is 2019. To find out my year I add 6 for the month of June, plus 24 for my birth day, plus 2019 for the current year.
6+2+4+2+0+1+9 = 15
If you end up with a two digit number, you can add those digits
1+5 = 6
I am in my 6 personal year, what about you?
Your personal year starts and ends on your birthday.
Knowing which year you are on can give you a lot of insight about what to expect and what is best to focus your energy on.

RELATIONSHIPS: It’s the perfect time to start new relationships and let go of anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. New meaningful relationships and friendships, the theme for you and your relationships resides in finding your sense of independence and individuality within your relationships in a balanced and healthy way.
WORK: Although the first few months of the year may still require some tying up of loose ends from last year’s 9 cycle, there is now an opportunity to forge ahead with a fresh start. This year is all about new beginnings, new jobs, projects, business ideas. Anything that you start with this year will be an important part of your life for the coming years.
ADVICE: Believe in yourself. This Universe is helping you break out of your comfort zone and take your life to a new level!

RELATIONSHIPS: This year offers a time where emotions and relationships take the front seat. Last year was most likely highly active and career-driven. 2020 is a year devoted to love in all its forms. The 2 Personal Year is a slow-moving year designed to test your trust in “right timing.” The universe has your back, yet often you’ll feel as though it’s snoozing on the job. It’ll feel like you’re moving three steps forward, four steps backward at any given time. It’s time to keep their emotional needs over your own needs.
WORK: You’ll find that things pick up as the year progresses. It’s best to rely on your gut feelings as opposed to the overthinking mind. Partnerships may be helpful as long as you don’t lose your boundaries. It’s a fabulous time for networking. You’ll feel empowered as the “go-to” person in your professional and personal interactions.
ADVICE: Keep yourself in balance and be patient.This is all part of a transformative process that will awaken you to what is truly possible.

RELATIONSHIPS: It is the best time to socialise and have fun. It is one of the classic cycles for connecting to new friends and associates and even beginning a relationship. If you are currently in a relationship, you may deepen the bonds or redefine whether your needs are being met. In some cases, those who do not deal with their emotions may experience a fated event that opens up the heart.
WORK: You could also have an opportunity to get wider exposure and success in creative endeavours. Your networking skills will lead you to a golden opportunity. If you are a creative person, an artist or writer, in a 3 year you will have heightened creative powers and your mind will be chocked full of brilliant ideas.
ADVICE: Jot down your thoughts and dreams, keep a notebook or a journal dedicated to all of the great ideas that seem to pop effortlessly into your mind.

RELATIONSHIPS: You need to keep a more realistic approach to relationships. If you are in a fairytale relationship, then you might want to focus on the practical side of it and work on it. By the end of the year, you’ll feel stable and grounded.
WORK: There may be a restructuring and reorganising of your life, particularly your job. Some may actually start a new job or at least change the way they work. You may find yourself busier than usual and may need to prioritise. This year is all about building a structure for your future, and it may require that you handle some logistics to get your life back on track. It may be time to hire an extra hand to help your business or even an organiser at home.
ADVICE: Do not take on more than you can handle. By the end of this cycle, you will have built a solid foundation and a smoother-running life. Also, take care of your health this year. You’ll have to consciously take out time for a self-care plan and in fact, prioritise it.

RELATIONSHIPS: The number 5 can bring a restless energy that can be disruptive, so be careful when exploring the world or romantic possibilities. Romantic affairs begun in 5 years are not likely to last. Therefore, in a 5 year, if you feel the urge to take marriage vows, set your date for the 6 year right around the corner. That will be a more stable time in which the rapid-fire changes that are at work in this 5 personal year will settle down and you will have a more level-headed perspective.
WORK: Last year was about hard work and dedication to establish a stable structure. Get ready for new opportunities and freedom! Time to take some risks and live a new adventure. You may feel restless to such an extent that you’re against limitations and restrictions. The 5 year can bring sudden unforeseen events, including breaks and opportunities.
ADVICE: It’s time to come out of your comfort zone and explore the fun side of life!

RELATIONSHIPS: The 6 cycle is associated with a change in relationship status and has a profound effect on one’s love life. Experience has shown that existing relationships either become more serious if on a strong footing or possibly end if on shaky ground. It’s the perfect year to get married or divorced. Your home may come to the forefront, resulting in a move or a redecorating project. Starting a family or engaging in family responsibilities, in general, maybe a feature of this year.
WORK: Last year was about throwing caution to the wind and taking smart risks for greater gain. Now it is time to settle down and commit to a more long-term plan. This year you will bring stability and balance to your work life.
ADVICE: Remember that when it comes to relationships, self-love is the key to attracting the right person. Find the love within and be clear about what you really require in a healthy relationship.

RELATIONSHIPS: Last year was marked by changes in your home and relationships with others. Now it is time to deepen your relationship with yourself. This can be a spiritual cycle for some. There may be fated events that occur that wake you up to see the truth of your life. Some may become less sociable and need time for individual pursuits. If you’ve been less than truthful with yourself, the 7 year may give you a wake-up call that dispels some illusions. However, the greatest gift of a 7 cycle is the reconnection to the true you, not the roles we play in life.
WORK: You might face some challenges at work, as you’ll be more concerned with the spiritual side of life and less towards the materialistic pursuits. For some, it might be a sabbatical year! Some would want to continue studying or gaining knowledge in some sort of way.
ADVICE: The more you find peace within, the better you will handle the challenges of life. That is the true potential of a 7 year.

RELATIONSHIPS: Focus on establishing proper self-worth and self-value. You must feel worthy of receiving and value what you bring to the table. There will be endless possibilities for romance this year!
WORK: Now it’s time to manifest in the outer world. Welcome to your power year. In my experience, this is the strongest cycle for furthering your career and goals. You may receive a promotion, raise, bonus, or attain more power and authority in your chosen field. However, be aware that there is no magical cycle that hands success to you. You can now attract greater abundance, so take advantage of this window of opportunity. It is also important to determine what “making it” really means to you. Having a high-status job that makes you miserable may not be a true success. If you’re making a living doing what you love, you’re successful.
ADVICE: It’s a great year to make money and buy something that you have been eyeing on for a long time, just don’t overwork yourself, as your health may suffer.

RELATIONSHIPS: You may end a relationship that played out unresolved wounds that need to be healed. The purpose of any 9 year is to heal the past. Certain events may give you the opportunity to reconcile those parts of yourself you may have neglected. However, it need not be a heavy time. This could be the long-overdue time you free yourself of unnecessary baggage and live a lighter, happier life.
WORK: It is time to slow down and reevaluate where you’ve come from and what you’ve learned along the way. You are completing a journey that started 9 years ago. It is possible that some parts of your life that no longer serve a purpose may come to an end. This process takes time and may extend into the beginning of next year.
ADVICE: Be ready, a new start is waiting for you that can reflect all you’ve learned. It’s time to let go of anything and everything that doesn’t serve you anymore.
Sakshi Kumar is a Numerologist and Tarot Card Reader based out of Mumbai. She believes that happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.