- June 21, 2018
Heard Of Instapurging? Chances Are, You Need This Wellness Trend.
If your Insta-scroll is stressing you out, you need to start with this new wellness trend.

We all have our own ways of dealing with stress. Some, want to Netflix and Chill while others want to head to the Anandas for a break. We, at RSQ do it differently – we eat, we rant and we languish on social media and rinse-repeat. But the deal with social media is that it’s:
A. Time-consuming
B. Leads to comparison-shopping
C. Crazy indulgent.
That means, you’re vegetating on the couch with a beer and Lays and you get more stressed seeing your ex-BF “insert-heart” your best friend’s Alaska trip pictures. Grrr, now we’re back to stressing. And more scrolling. And more stressing and more drowning in caffeine. If your insta-scroll is stressing you out, you need to start with this new wellness trend – Instapurging.
You might have already guessed the idea. Instapurging is in simple words – a “delete” or “Hide” button. And you will benefit from it in minutes – ignorance is bliss, girls. So So this is how it goes – just grab a coffee, clear your head and start with the basics – find each account that is killing you slowly. Start with ex-boyfriends, friends and toxic employers. Then move onto social people – ones you met at a party, ones you “followed” because they “followed” you. Then, take a quick peek at random lane – the label you thought was cool, the brands you thought will help make that big shopping decision or that couple who you met at a party circa 2007. Next, it’s the frenemies you gotta “mute” and then, it’s the “competition” at work and outside it to go – because, unhealthy!
How does one purge? It’s easy, just look at any account that make you-
- Anxious
2. Negative
3. Stressed
4. Unnecessarily Competitive
5. Overexplain Your Stance
6. A Hater
7. Feel Inadequate
8. Waste Time
Just unfollow those you don’t know personally, ones that get you all anxiety-ridden. Maybe Kim with her unusually weird hip to waist ratio. Or Shilpa Shetty with that flat tummy or even Aishwarya batting her blue eyes. Inadequacy, yes!
Well, there you go. You now have a wellness trend that’s not only easy and effortless but will make your timeline and Insta-scroll look healthy, wealthy and wise. Plus, the ones you hang out with will define your happiness, remember that! Sometimes, just sometimes, you might miss that Insta-worthy Salman meme or that trip your ex-BF took to Greece with his latest fling but hello, who cares. You’re already on your road to wellness and it’s looking good.
P.S If you’re not gonna clean up the feed completely, promise us that you will purge one account today to keep yourself sane. Just one. And tell us how your attempt at Instapurging went!
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